Sunday, March 30, 2014

Bible Study 3

This week's bible study was on the parable of the unforgiving servant found in Matthew 18: 21-35. Here is the link for it

Discussion Questions:

What does Jesus mean by seventy times seven?
What does the servant getting on his knees teach us?
What do you think of the Master?
Are you angry at the servant or are you scared that might be you?

What is the call at the end for all of us?

Summary thoughts: The parable of the unforgiving servant reminds us of God's forgiveness and of our need to forgive others.  Before the actual parable, Peter asks Jesus how many times should he forgive his brother and Jesus said seventy times seven.  The parable reinforces that idea when the master forgives the large debt.  No matter how much you have sinned against God, there will always be forgiveness if you are truly repentant.  Because of God forgiving us our debt, there is no debt big enough that we cannot forgive to someone who has wronged us.  If we fail to forgive then there are eternal consequences.   Forgive us our debts as we forgive those who trespass upon us.  

Bible Study 2

The next parable we studied was the parable of the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10:25-37.  Here is the internet link

Discussion Questions:

How do you inherit eternal life?

What are the main characters?

What similarities do the leaders have?

What is striking about the Samaritan?

What is God calling us to do? 

Summary thoughts:  The parable of the Good Samaritan is the reminder to love your neighbor as yourself.  If we are not doing that then we are failing at understanding God.  It is not about piousness or rules but about doing unto others as you would want done unto.  The two essential commandments of the Christian faith are loving the Lord your God with all your heart, might and soul and loving your neighbor as yourself.  If we truly love God we will love our neighbor and if we are loving our neighbor we are loving God.  We cannot worship God on a Sunday and hurt our neighbor on a Thursday.  God is calling for us to love unconditionally no matter who the person is and to realize that everyone is worth loving because God did not die for some but he died for all.  

Bible Study 1

On this first week, we delved into the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32.  This is the internet link for the passage
The discussion questions were:
1. How would you describe the son, brother, and father?
2. Which character do you associate the most with?
3. What is surprising in this story? the father?
4. Did the son deserve the father's compassion and joy?
5. What does the parable teach us about the character of God?

6. What is wrong with the older brother's response?
Summary thoughts: The parable of the prodigal son reminds people of the core of the Christian faith--forgiveness.  God forgives no matter what sin you've committed or what life you have lived.  However, forgiveness is costly and the younger son has to return home, and face his sins.  Only with a repentant heart can we begin to understand and receive forgiveness.  The story also reminds us that it is not our works that are pleasing to God but fellowship with him.  The older son is angry at his dad's forgiveness of his younger brother because he thinks that the younger son is undeserving of the party.  The older son is right but he misses the point that his dad loves the son so much he is willing to forgive him for the wrong he has done.  We must have hearts that rejoice when sinners are saved because all of us are sinners in need of a God who loves unconditionally. Lastly, the parable is a challenge for us to forgive because God forgives us.  


I will be posting all the notes from the Bible studies we have done this past year.  Feel free to comment and read!