Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bible Study 8

We discussed Peter's confession and Jesus' response to it found in Matthew 16:12-28.  Here is the link

Discussion Questions:

Who is Jesus according to Peter?
Who revealed who Jesus is to Peter? How is Peter's calling our calling?
What do you think of Jesus' rebuke of peter?
What is Jesus call toward the disciples?
What does Jesus promise us?

Summary thoughts:  Peter's confession is truth and revealed by God.  Peter is able to see Jesus as who he truly is and Jesus in turn entrusts him and the disciples with his church.  However, Peter falls prey to Satan and tells Jesus to choose comfort over the cross.  Ultimately, Peter's temptation toward Jesus is the question we have to face everyday: Do we take up or cross and follow or are we a slave toward comfort and the world? He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.  

bible study 7

We discussed the end of the sermon on the mount which is found in Matthew 7: 12-27.  Here is the link

Discussion Questions: 

What does Verse 12 mean for our lives?
What is the narrow gate?
What does Jesus mean by fruit?
What is the difference between I never Knew you and doing the will of my father?
What is our foundation?
Summary Thoughts: 
The end of the Sermon on the Mount is one of the most challenging sections in the bible.  It is the call to love your neighbor as yourself and do to God's will.  It is ultimately the call to enter the narrow gate which leads to life.  The call is clear that everything not done for the glory of God is sinking sand.  The foundation of life is found in entering the narrow gate which is following Christ himself.  These sections challenge us to see that we must follow Christ and love God with all our heart, might and soul as well as loving your neighbor as yourself.  

Bible study 6

In this study, we discussed the beatitudes and the Salt and light passage found in Matthew 5:1-16.  Here is the link

Discussion Questions:

What do you think Jesus is trying to say with the beatitudes?
Which Beatitudes confuse or challenge you?
What is meant by meek?
What is meant by poor in spirit?
What do you think is significant of the last beatitude?
What does salt of the earth mean and how does that challenge us?

Why do we let our light shine before others?
Summary thoughts: The Sermon on the Mount is a call to discipleship.  To wrestle with the sermon on the mount is to realize the unbelievable call toward holiness and action.  That call can only be realized by the grace of God which is realized in the beatitudes.  They show that God will turn our weakness into strength and that we need only look toward God and see him as satisfying and loving.  That begins the transformation process that starts with poor in spirit and ends with being persecuted for Christ's sake.  Once we have realized the depth of our spiritual poverty, we then are able to realize the riches of God's love and become salt of the earth.  

Bible Study 5

In this bible study, we discussed the temptation found in Matthew 4:1-11.  Here is the link

Discussion Questions:
Why didn't Jesus make the bread/ reason he gives?
What is significant about Satan's use of scripture? Matthew 7:15
What do you think of Jesus' second response?
What is Satan offering in the third temptation?
What is Jesus' response--the first commandment
Summary thoughts:
Jesus choose the path of humility.  This path is shown by serving rather than being served.  Ultimately the temptation shows that Jesus is following the path toward the cross rather than go after the temptations this world offers.  This is a reminder to follow the path of faith and humility rather than follow the path the world offers.   Matthew 7: 13 says "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Bible Study 4

This week's bible study dealt with the parable of the wedding feast found in Luke 14:12-24.  Here's the link

Discussion Questions:

Who are we supposed to invite to a feast?
What kind of people did the master initially seem to invite? 
What do you think is shown by the people who refused to come? Is it more than just busy? Do they perhaps know the master? 
What is the kingdom of God going to look like?

What kind of people do you want to be a part of/ most associate with 

Summary thoughts:  This parable tells us a lot about the character of God.  First off, it tells us that God is joyful.  The kingdom of God is compared to a great wedding feast that we are invited to.  Ultimately, the road of the cross leads to a wedding feast! However, the parable is not all joyful as there is a clear distinction God makes.  Those who reject the feast will not be part of the kingdom of God.  This distinction between accepting and rejecting is at the heart of the invitation.  The kingdom is open to all but many will say no for a lot of different reasons.  For some, the reasons might be because God invites the lowly, humble, and meek.  If that is the case then they do not know God and do not know that God looks at the heart and not outward appearance.  There is a joyful celebration in the Kingdom of heaven.